Dr.Geoffrey Mwachala

Geoffrey Mwachala.  B.Sc. (Kenyatta University, M.Sc. (University of Reading, UK) Dr. Rer. Nat (Universitat Koblenz Landau, Germany)

Systematics, biogeography, ecology, physiology conservation of flora and fauna

Chief Research Scientist, National Museums of Kenya and Editor in Chief, Flora of Kenya

Formerly Director, National Repository and Research; Secretary General of the Association for the Taxonomic Study of the Flora of Tropical Africa (AETFAT); Head of Botany Department,

Botanical Interests

Malvaceae in Tropical East Africa, with particular focus on the genus Hibiscus;

Dracaena in Tropical Africa

Flora of Tropical East Africa as a whole

Enhancing access to information held in the herbarium collections through publications and digitization of specimens and grey literature.

GM has published over 60 works ranging from peer-reviewed articles, books, book chapters and popular articles on plant systematics, ecology conservation and other subjects. He has over thirty years’ experience in botany during which he has described some 15 plant taxa and collected over 5000 specimens that are preserved at the East African Herbarium and duplicated in herbaria overseas.

GM has conducted botanical surveys in Baringo, Kakamega, Kitui, Kwale, Nandi, Taita Taveta and West Pokot counties and has conducted specialised studies in the Afro-alpine ecosystems of Mts Kenya and Elgon

Capacity Building

GM supervises both scientists and technicians in herbarium collection management and field research. He has supervised Ph.D. and M.Sc. research projects in both Kenyan and foreign universities.  GM has raised grants and regularly solicits donations of equipment to support NMK research and collection management work.

Giving back to society

GM has served as member of the East African Plant Redlist Authority and in that capacity contributed to plant-redlisting initiatives.

He serves on the Boards of Mpala Research Centre and the East Africa Natural History Society (NatureKenya) in addition to being the ex-officio Head of Kenya Delegation to the Global biodiversity Information Facility


Title of keynote presentation: Plant Systematics in Kenya – turning over a new leaf

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